golang 中的 sync 包实现了两种锁:
RWMutex:读写锁,RWMutex 基于 Mutex 实现
Mutex 为互斥锁,Lock() 加锁,Unlock() 解锁
在一个 goroutine 获得 Mutex 后,其他 goroutine 只能等到这个 goroutine 释放该 Mutex
使用 Lock() 加锁后,不能再继续对其加锁,直到利用 Unlock() 解锁后才能再加锁
在 Lock() 之前使用 Unlock() 会导致 panic 异常
已经锁定的 Mutex 并不与特定的 goroutine 相关联,这样可以利用一个 goroutine 对其加锁,再利用其他 goroutine 对其解锁
在同一个 goroutine 中的 Mutex 解锁之前再次进行加锁,会导致死锁
package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "time" ) func main() { var mutex sync.Mutex fmt.Println("Lock the lock") mutex.Lock() fmt.Println("The lock is locked") channels := make([]chan int, 4) for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { channels[i] = make(chan int) go func(i int, c chan int) { fmt.Println("Not lock: ", i) mutex.Lock() fmt.Println("Locked: ", i) time.Sleep(time.Second) fmt.Println("Unlock the lock: ", i) mutex.Unlock() c <- i }(i, channels[i]) } time.Sleep(time.Second) fmt.Println("Unlock the lock") mutex.Unlock() time.Sleep(time.Second) for _, c := range channels { <-c } }
Lock the lock The lock is locked Not lock: 0 Not lock: 3 Not lock: 1 Not lock: 2 Unlock the lock Locked: 0 Unlock the lock: 0 Locked: 3 Unlock the lock: 3 Locked: 1 Unlock the lock: 1 Locked: 2 Unlock the lock: 2
package main import ( "fmt" "sync" ) func main() { var mutex sync.Mutex mutex.Lock() fmt.Println("Locked") mutex.Lock() }
Locked fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
RWMutex 是单写多读锁,该锁可以加多个读锁或者一个写锁
读锁占用的情况下会阻止写,不会阻止读,多个 goroutine 可以同时获取读锁
写锁会阻止其他 goroutine(无论读和写)进来,整个锁由该 goroutine 独占
Lock() 和 Unlock()
Lock() 加写锁,Unlock() 解写锁
如果在加写锁之前已经有其他的读锁和写锁,则 Lock() 会阻塞直到该锁可用,为确保该锁可用,已经阻塞的 Lock() 调用会从获得的锁中排除新的读取器,即写锁权限高于读锁,有写锁时优先进行写锁定
在 Lock() 之前使用 Unlock() 会导致 panic 异常
RLock() 和 RUnlock()
RLock() 加读锁,RUnlock() 解读锁
RLock() 加读锁时,如果存在写锁,则无法加读锁;当只有读锁或者没有锁时,可以加读锁,读锁可以加载多个
RUnlock() 解读锁,RUnlock() 撤销单词 RLock() 调用,对于其他同时存在的读锁则没有效果
在没有读锁的情况下调用 RUnlock() 会导致 panic 错误
RUnlock() 的个数不得多余 RLock(),否则会导致 panic 错误
Lock() 和 Unlock()
package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "time" ) func main() { var mutex *sync.RWMutex mutex = new(sync.RWMutex) fmt.Println("Lock the lock") mutex.Lock() fmt.Println("The lock is locked") channels := make([]chan int, 4) for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { channels[i] = make(chan int) go func(i int, c chan int) { fmt.Println("Not lock: ", i) mutex.Lock() fmt.Println("Locked: ", i) fmt.Println("Unlock the lock: ", i) mutex.Unlock() c <- i }(i, channels[i]) } time.Sleep(time.Second) fmt.Println("Unlock the lock") mutex.Unlock() time.Sleep(time.Second) for _, c := range channels { <-c } }
Lock the lock The lock is locked Not lock: 0 Not lock: 3 Not lock: 1 Not lock: 2 Unlock the lock Locked: 0 Unlock the lock: 0 Locked: 3 Unlock the lock: 3 Locked: 1 Unlock the lock: 1 Locked: 2 Unlock the lock: 2
Lock() 和 RLock()
package main import ( "fmt" "sync" "time" ) func main() { var mutex *sync.RWMutex mutex = new(sync.RWMutex) fmt.Println("Lock the lock") mutex.Lock() fmt.Println("The lock is locked") channels := make([]chan int, 4) for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { channels[i] = make(chan int) go func(i int, c chan int) { fmt.Println("Not read lock: ", i) mutex.RLock() fmt.Println("Read Locked: ", i) time.Sleep(time.Second) fmt.Println("Unlock the read lock: ", i) mutex.RUnlock() c <- i }(i, channels[i]) } time.Sleep(time.Second) fmt.Println("Unlock the lock") mutex.Unlock() time.Sleep(time.Second) for _, c := range channels { <-c } }
Lock the lock The lock is locked Not read lock: 0 Not read lock: 3 Not read lock: 1 Not read lock: 2 Unlock the lock Read Locked: 2 Read Locked: 0 Read Locked: 3 Read Locked: 1 Unlock the read lock: 1 Unlock the read lock: 3 Unlock the read lock: 2 Unlock the read lock: 0
Unlock() 使用之前不存在 Lock()
package main import ( "sync" ) func main() { var rwmutex *sync.RWMutex rwmutex = new(sync.RWMutex) rwmutex.Unlock() }
fatal error: sync: Unlock of unlocked RWMutex
RWMutex 使用不当导致的死锁
package main import ( "sync" ) func main() { var rwmutex *sync.RWMutex rwmutex = new(sync.RWMutex) rwmutex.Lock() rwmutex.Lock() }
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
package main import ( "sync" ) func main() { var rwmutex *sync.RWMutex rwmutex = new(sync.RWMutex) rwmutex.Lock() rwmutex.RLock() }
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
RUnlock() 之前不存在 RLock()
package main import ( "sync" ) func main() { var rwmutex *sync.RWMutex rwmutex = new(sync.RWMutex) rwmutex.RUnlock() }
fatal error: sync: RUnlock of unlocked RWMutex
RUnlock() 个数多于 RLock()
package main import ( "sync" ) func main() { var rwmutex *sync.RWMutex rwmutex = new(sync.RWMutex) rwmutex.RLock() rwmutex.RLock() rwmutex.RUnlock() rwmutex.RUnlock() rwmutex.RUnlock() }
fatal error: sync: RUnlock of unlocked RWMutex